Wetland Season Park, 2021



Wetland Seasons Park 毗鄰香港濕地公園,環境清幽,充滿綠意生趣。其會所公共空間呈示的數十件藝術品,涵括繪畫、雕塑及裝置種種,均契合自然及保育主題,各有特色亦彼此相依。濕地公園內有四季昆蟲魚鳥,可高空鳥瞰,可平視遠眺,俯仰之間,姿態萬千如畫山水畫。所以在藝術創作的角度和整體構思,就是由萬呎高空 – 即從黑臉琵鷺由北方、南來香港過冬的數千里路途開始,來到濕地公園,待明春返北的故事。

Endless Seasons

Adjacent to Hong Kong Wetland Park, Wetland Seasons Park  enjoys a green and tranquil environment. A dozens of art works,  including paintings, sculptures and installations, have been  displayed in its club house and other public areas. Inspired by  natural conservation and environmental protection, all art works  in Wetland Seasons Park have their own characteristics while at  the same time share the same central idea.

The Wetland Park attracts visitors’ attention by unique wildlife as well as picturesque landscapes. No matter  from a bird’s eye view or from the head-up angel, the Park will always inspire you. In order to delicately describe the views from different angels, visitors are encouraged by artists to imagine themselves as black-faced spoonbills coming from thousands of miles away, from the North to Hong Kong in every winter. 

Project completion: April 2021

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